| 查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文 Charles | Robert Darwin 1809 2 12-1882 4 19 | | | | | 1930 | | | | | | Edinburgh | | Beagle | | | | | | | 1838 | | | 1858 Wallace华莱士 | | | 1859 物种起源 | | | | | | | | | | | John Herschel | | 1835 Henslow | 《给亨斯洛教授的信件之摘要》(Extracts from | letters to Professor Henslow) | 1836 Tahiti | 大溪地与新西兰等地区的道德状况报告 A | LETTER, Containing Remarks on the Moral State of TAHITI, | NEW ZEALAND, &c. – BY CAPT. R. FITZROY AND C. DARWIN, | ESQ. OF H.M.S. 'Beagle.' | 1839 纪录与评论 Journal and | Remarks | 贝格尔号之旅的动物 | 学 Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle | 1839 1843 | | 1840 | 1839 | | 1842 珊瑚礁的结构与分 | 布 The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs | 1844 火山群岛 | 的地质观察 Geological Observations of Volcanic Islands | 1846 南美地质观察 | Geological Observations on South America 1849 | 地质学 Geology | | | | |